
In September 2019, the Administration for Community Living awarded a cooperative agreement to the team of the Oasis Institute, Caregiver Action Network, USAging, and Altarum to launch a National Volunteer Corps, Community Care Corps. The Community Care Corps program fosters the development and implementation of innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers, older adults and adults with disabilities with nonmedical assistance in home and community-based settings to maintain their independence, health and well-being. This program represents a new volunteer-based paradigm for providing various forms of nonmedical assistance.

A second cooperative agreement was awarded in September 2024 to further develop, expand and refine innovative volunteer nonmedical assistance models with the goals of increasing the number of community-based volunteer programs available to provide nonmedical assistance and decreasing the number of older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and family caregivers who need assistance in maintaining independence in the community but are unable to obtain help.

What are Effective Elements

Since Community Care Corps’ inception, four cohorts of grantees have provided insight into the innovative approaches and creative solutions they have implemented to overcome challenges based on the unique makeup of their programs and organizations. In collaboration with grantees, the Community Care Corps leadership team synthesized these findings, Effective Elements, to identify replicable, conceptual approaches that effectively reduce barriers to support, improve outcomes and can be harnessed by an array of organizations responding to diverse needs. Community Care Corps developed a compendium of Effective Elements informed by these successes, challenges and missteps of former grantees to spur future innovation and implementation of Community Care Corps models.

How To Use Effective Elements

This collection of Effective Elements will enable organizations to create impactful Community Care Corps volunteer models of nonmedical assistance. The information included in this collection is not intended to be prescriptive, rather it is meant to help organizations explore how to tailor models of support, coordinate volunteer assistance, and adapt resources to appropriately serve their communities within organizational capacity.

To learn more about the grantees involved in the collection of Effective Elements, go to the Resources button on the home page and click Grantee Snapshots.

To contact Community Care Corps, email us at