- Grant funding is a great opportunity to hire new staff to enhance or expand an existing program or develop and implement a new program. To continue to fund salary and benefits for new staff after grant funding ends, consider utilizing AmeriCorps VISTAS for positions such as Volunteer Coordinator. Organizations can reapply yearly for an AmeriCorps VISTA to keep the position staffed. Tracking the impact of a VISTA in this position can be used to show the board of directors and senior management the value of a volunteer coordinator position and why additional funding is necessary to sustain its existence.
- Community members participating in your program may identify with a variety of chronic illnesses which have supporting associations, such as the American Parkinsons Association, United Cerebral Palsy Association, etc. Some of those organizations may assist in providing funding to build ramps or provide home modifications to maintain safety and independence in the community. Partnering with these organizations may help offset the cost of materials.
- When developing partnerships with higher education institutions, ask if they have funding to support student interns. Sometimes, they have federal funding available to cover the cost of stipends for student interns.
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